
89 Audio Reviews

52 w/ Responses

Any Techno mixed with a piano tune has got my ears

It's nice to hear/see a new style and great taste in musical composition in the AP! I sure hope you're honestly letting everyone here know that YOU did create this even though you are 14 because it is VERY rare to hear of a musical prodigy...much less one on Newgrounds. I really don't mean to sound or come across as saying that a 14 year old couldn't create something this good; I just think it's utterly amazing if you are true to your submission. If so, awesome job man!!!

I absolutely LOVE the piano harmony! It flows so smoothly throughout the rest of the piece while keeping a sort of composure amongst all the beat and synths. The nice almost ambient intro is what kept me listening to this tune, which just added to the entrancing puzzle of smooth and flowing bass completed with moving synths. This was all pieced together with the rising and falling of piano keys hit with flawless notes back to back. Also, the builds just add to the awesomeness into a great climatic raise in tempo.

So, now hopefully you see why it makes me wonder that someone so young as yourself made such a great piece of audio art. Anyways dude, that was a nice choice of Techno!


XsToRmEr1 responds:

I know. The age may seem as if I didn't actually create it. But the truth is I did, and I can back it up with anything I have. I've been using my music program for about 3 years, but I've been playing piano since I was 3. So I used both talents and produced something. I love creating music and that helps me create.

Keep knocking those beats

This is just overwhelmingly kick-ass. This should've gone under the Industrial genre only because of it's heavy distorted guitar riffs. It's not Metal because of the electric beats and synths. So, Industrial would more appropriately relate to the sound I think. Either way, it's f***ing awesome.

I love all your stuff because of the amount of time and effort you pour into these great eclectic tracks full of variety and quality. You need to try and submit more often. A lot of people are really missing out on your talent because of this. I think that this "Alien Genome series" are my fav of yours. I love "Lunch" and "Follow Me". I also like "Help Me" by you. Great stuff man! Please submit more soon at your earliest convenience.


little-ninja responds:

Thanks for the review. It means a lot to me since you, yourself are a very good musician.

*I appologize for my English, it's my second language.*

The reason I release so little is because I believe in quality over quantaty.

I'm really honored that people love my Alien Genome series and I just want to touch on that for a bit. All music that is released with Alien Genome is made by me with inspiration from my little brother who used to be my DJ partner before he got lucked up.

I keep the Alien Genome thing because he (my brother) gives me insight on how to make my tracks better and I feel it's only fair to keep the name going.

I wonder what a lot of these raters THINK is right

I'm terribly sorry that these ass-cracks have to pollute your review section with what they THINK is rightly mixed. I've been struggling down the same road man. I just call these butt-monkeys jealous flamers only because of how they like to put your stuff down to reduce you to their size and try to consume you with their jealous flames of hatred. It’s just like Danyel_the_Djinn did to me, and he wasn’t even targeting my music; he was targeting me for the response I gave him about one of my animations “Jesus Christ promo”. Look under the reviews for that one, and look under his review and my response to him and you’ll see what I’m talking about. Check on the 3rd page 2nd to last review from the bottom by Danyel_the_Djinn under this link on the most recent reviews…


I really appreciate that you took the time to save my piece before the final judgement; ironic, considering the fact that the composition you saved was about that. lol Hopfully, that train has crashed into his ass by now. lol

Anyway, about this track...I really haven't played much of any Sonic games except the first two, (I know, I know...forgive me). Besides for me not having played any of the newer Sonic games, I recognize the music very much indeed. The Sonic music has always been a big fav VG style of music for me. This track in particular, is awesome man! I love the use of the filtered polysynths in the bg. The in-and-out ratio of this sound gave this piece a unique Trancy sound. ...smooth dude

btw...I saw a documentary on Tuscany. Man, it's a beautiful area in Italy...so historical and quite a marvel. Do you live in this area?


ZeRo-BaSs responds:

Yeah,Danyel_the_Djinn was probably the biggest loser ever.
"I hate you dreamboy,and I dont care for the snuff you put on NG"...OMG HE WAS SO GAY! ^_^

Mmm...reaper_of_ratings...it's strange...there's a new user called Mr.Reaper in the Ap and suddenly an user called reaper_of_ratings begin to give bad reviews to every remix...have u ever checked out his profile? It says..."i am reaper,the #1 reaper on newgrounds. As a committee us reapers' jobs are to blam anything that is crap or generic. If you have been reapered - then start making originals or good remixes or you will never be part of the top 30."
or what he says in his usual review "Generic mainstream song mixing will no monger be tolerated. "
O_o What do u think Byron? yeah...drugs while having sex with the speakers of his pc...yes,is possible...

Ehy,so u liked that cool phaser at the bg?I've used the famous FlangerSaw soundfont and here's the configuration of the phaser:
Freq: 22 - Split: 64 - Width: 100
Rate: 32 - F.Mod: 70 - Feedback: 100

btw we shold mail Wade asking him to give us special powers (OMG!!!lol) just like moderators of the AP or to add a The Gatecrashers/Shin Audio Portal official page
I think Jermain will join us :-)

Tuscany?! lol it's cool! I've got some friends there but I live in Piemont(near Turin, the city of the greatest soccer team ever "Juventus":-) )
Do u like soccer? Omg i can't live without seeing 10 idiots running after a ball lol!

I reviewed the wrong one...

I meant to post the review I had on "Second Awakening" on this one. So, I guess I'll review "Second Awakening" on this one. Sorry, I hit the wrong button for the review on “Second Awakening”.

I loved the first one because it had a tune that seemed to play in my mind over and over because of its catchy melody. Very similar to the music you would hear in Metal Gear Solid...the same kinda' choir ahhs with the bell-like sounds and drumming bassline. But, this one just blew me away by how similar yet, uniquely distinct it was compared to the first one. My favorite part was when it picked up at the 54-second mark on the choir ahhs raising higher. Nice slow and smooth beat you added along with the bongos and chimes. The opening was really intense making me want to hear the end result. The only flaw I kept hearing in this one was the equalization wasn't balanced evenly making certain low frequencies to get distorted as well as certain high frequencies. Sorry, just the critic in me. The entirety made up for this completely. Awesome job man!


I've been meaning to review this earlier...

I kept telling myself to review this, but it kept slipping by me.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I am impressed how you are learning Reason so easily and so fast. Also, you got a hold of some really nice choir ahhs and implemented them very nicely. Did you get them from Emule because that's where I got most of my sound refills for Reason, but unfortunately, I can't use Emule any longer for now because of my router conflicting with the file sharing process and almost anything I do online. You should know this from trying to have a conversation with me and my damn connection kept getting pushed offline. Well, I should get the modem in my room sometime in late October. Can't wait.

Anyway, to get back to the review on this piece...You seem to know what you are doing while making an orchestral track because it has the feeling of a professional composer. I commend you for this ED. I loved the dramatic opening with the male vocals...and then the strings made it get even better. The female vocals were ok; they just sounded a little unnatural, almost like a synth. It still sounded great, it just took away the believability that these were real voices. Great melody in this one dude!

btw...I'm still going to make a remix of "The Hitman" theme song. I'll let you know more about it later. Congrats on getting two of your songs in an animation that got front page! Peace!


Hey not bad Ref...

Nice short little tune you got here! It's very much like a theme to a small-time hero. Also, it's kinda' 'discoey'. I could see this being used in some video game or something...nice electronic ecstatic easiness.

btw...I might be able to start working with you on an audio piece if you are still interested. Let me know at your earliest convenience. Chat with ya' later man!


.-*`*-.,.-*`*-.,.-*`*-.,.-*`*-.,Dreamscaper.-*`*-.,.-*`*-., .-*`*-.,.-*`*-.

For me? Why thank you!

This makes me want to have a swig of Bacardi Silver and spit it up in the air into a yellow strobe light and let it rain a golden shower around me. Nice and tasty tune. But, now I want some cotton candy.

Anyway, enough of the analytical nonsense about my ravenousness on what I want to taste while enjoying this melodicious tune. I love how well you implemented the pads for supporting harmony. I, for one, love using pads and use a butt-load of them in my pieces. So, I know when I hear great usage of pads in music. Also, you blend 4 harmonies together…the bass line, the twinkling blips, the string pads (the ones I love), the fading in and out pads, and the high-pitched synths…not to mention the sound fx that fit so well in this melody. Also, the percussion sounds like it’s got a hint of envelope controlled filtering to it or also known as a phazer effect…I think on the claps. The only minor issue I have with this is that the ending was just too abrupt and kinda’ anti-climatic. Nice job my fellow Audio Portal Newgrounder! This kinda’ music makes me remember how happy music can be.



crud responds:

Bacardi Silver? nice touch! i'm not so sure about the golden shower :P

Pads are a marvelous thing,they take you to another world sometimes, the deeper the layers, the further you travel. let me just say that ALL of your ingeneous songs take me across the universe and back at break-neck speeds....soothes the head.

Yes indeed, my songs tend to have a high amount of melodies slipping and sliding all over each other, the hard part is getting you to hear every one...which you successfully did! YAY!!

yep, i used a phaser on the claps. good call, but i assume you've done quite a bit of this music stuff ;)

sorry about the abrubt ending, i've been trying to seamlessly loop my songs, but it's harder to let go of the energy that the climax brings up

Much thanks to you ,.+*'*Dreamscaper, I'm amazed to be talking to excellent song makers such as yourself and exchanging witty banter.

witty witty bang bang!


So is this from
www.vgmix.com/user_profile.php?user_id=11531 Chaoz? Is that like your alias on Video Game Mix.com? I had no clue you were on this site. This particular style of D&B really reminds me of this artist named Decoder. If you've ever heard of "Hord 39" this is the particular track I am resembling this to. Check out www.bs1records.com/artists.shtml. His profile is on this site. If you would like to hear part of this track check out...

You did an awesome job on this one bro'. Can't wait to hear your next big hit.

.-*`*-., .-*`*-.,.-*`*-.,.-*`*-.

ParagonX9 responds:

Haha yeah On VGMix.com I am known as Chaoz... On Gunbound and some other sites im known as ChaozD (Yeah it stands for ChaozDevotion):D
But My most popular nickname is still ParagonX9 ^^

Hey that link you sent me.. Its Dara :D has some pretty good tunes..
But i think my favorite artist is still Pendulum or Konflict.. I love the style of Pendulum, and Konflict has that awesome dark bass-synth like in his "Karl K - Synapse (Konflict Remix)" ...

Thanks alot for your review Byron,
Check your Email soon...



Very impressive I must say old mate! Did you create this in Reason? It sounds as if you could've. If so, don't you love the varieties and richness of the prerecorded, live orchestral sounds?

I still can't believe how talented you are with emulating the same exact notes and rhythms. VERY WELL DONE CYPHER! If you could get a red cent from me for every note you hit perfectly in tune with the original Sonata, you would've robbed me of my talent. Lol Awesome job man! >…applauds and bows…<

.-*`*-.,.-*`*-.,.-*`*-.,.-*`*-.,Dreamscaper.-*`*-.,.-*`*-., .-*`*-.,.-*`*-.

Cypher responds:

w00t! Thanks for the review man!

Yes I used Reason, it's great you can even emulate the piano pedal, which makes it sound a lot better.

I used violins and double basses to contribute some synth. Those were the easier parts to do after creating the main melody with "Grand Piano".

Thanks again.


Congrats on # uno in the top 5ive!!!

Thank you so very freakin' much!!!! FINALLY....someone makes a great remix of a composition I almost forgot about. Not only was it one of my favs, but that battle in the movie was incredible. (Yeah, so sue me that I liked the original version by Staci Lords the porn star/Techno creator.) I love your version as well.

Everything in it is flawlessly incorporated. The only minor problem I have with it is really a personal preference. Knowing that I love to use filters in most every composition I throw together, you didn't use any filters, that I can tell, on the Techno blips opening the track like the original did. Not a biggie, but kinda' bland without it. Other than that, I'd say you couldn't go wrong with your choice of rhythm and balance of your remix. Awesome job Z-Bass!!!

.-*`*-.,.-*`*-.,.-*`*-.,.-*`*-.,Dreamscaper.-*`*-.,.-*`*-., .-*`*-.,.-*`*-.

ZeRo-BaSs responds:

Staci Lords Pornstar & Techno Artist?!?!
OMG I didn't know that!
Mmmmm...In Italy we got Rocco Siffredi...should we expect a Remix of the "Benny Hill Show Theme" from him?! LOL!

Yes!This week we got #1,#2,#4,#5
This week nobody has uploaded in the last minutes before the wednesday chart update!
I'm so happy damn :-)
Thx for your review DM!!!

Rock is a bore; Hip-Hop is a snore; Country I just ignore; Rap is like audio war; Heavy-Metal makes my ears sore; Disco should've died in '74; Electronic I love to the core. (People are going to hate me for stating this, so I won't state anymore.)

Byron Crowfoot @Stroberider

Age 43, Male

Sales Consultant

(Grad)Art Institute of Atlanta

Flying Dreams (LA)

Joined on 9/5/03

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