Heh you ship on 18th Brithday. If you wanted to you have enough time to prepare yourself for BCT unlike everyone else I've seen coming in recently shipping out in a week or two.
Your also pretty lucky along the lines of never shipping 68W tend to get deployed a ton. Just not to combat areas just all over the damned place.
I really can't wait to ship out something I've been waiting for 8 months now.
Amazing MOS. Really lucky to get. I recently signed up as a 14P Aviation Op Spec. Hoping to change to 68W Health Care Spec. before I ship. When d you ship?
February 24th. The cool thing about this MOS, is that not only do I get to operate a thing that looks like something off of Robocop that has stinger missiles, but it's very low on the deployment side because our enemy right now does not have any assault aircrafts (or any aircrafts for that matter). But, when and if they ever do, they won't be flying for long when a homing stinger missile comes flying at them from this thing! My brother is a 68K (Medical Laboratory Specialist).