Rock is a bore; Hip-Hop is a snore; Country I just ignore; Rap is like audio war; Heavy-Metal makes my ears sore; Disco should've died in '74; Electronic I love to the core. (People are going to hate me for stating this, so I won't state anymore.)

Byron Crowfoot @Stroberider

Age 43, Male

Sales Consultant

(Grad)Art Institute of Atlanta

Flying Dreams (LA)

Joined on 9/5/03

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movie looks shitty to me.

It's a good thing your opinion is your own because if everyone else had it, this would be a shittier opinionated world!

i did not see the goast

... but the ghost saw you!

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ok i want to see it but it's not in my city....yet. But as far as i've researched you're wrong. They set it up to LOOK real. I read it on an official article. They said it was the next Blair Witch Project which was probably alright for it's time but i think it's stupid i saw it. But this movie looks promising. But the scary fact is from what I know it's possible for these things to happen. i'm sure. Now THAT is scary lol. But it's all scripted just like the Blair Witch project they said.

Yeah, that's why I said that the footage was BASED on true occurrences not that the film itself was actually real footage of real paranormal haunting events. The concept is genius because it's a very simple notion to get the adrenaline level expectancy so high, the viewers will be begging for more just to see what happens after the initial rush of fright. Blair Witch was a complete cluster fuck of production, "acting", money and time. This movie shouldn't even be in comparison with waste like that. I think the entire movie will finally be a movie that will relieve a lot of people from having to go use the restroom during the viewing because they would have already pissed their pants before the film ended!

wat happened to ur music man>>??

I requested that it all be removed due to others downloading it and trying to sell the tracks either on itunes or through an online mp3 cd without my consent. You can find more info about the ordeal here and the mistake I made trying to rid these thieves by uploading tracks that weren't mine to catch the bastards...

http://dreamscaper.newgrounds.com /news/post/177372

I've seen that movie, it was scary as hell when katie was dragged to the floor by the ghost even though the footage is fake the chances of that happening in real life scare the crap out of me since it was base off of real occurrence.

What about the times where Katie would "sleepwalk" out of bed and stand over Micah and stare at him with the video cam time lapsing over almost three hours? That was just strangely creepy! But yes, the scene where Katie gets pulled out of bed by the entity and dragged down the hallway by her feet was very frightening!!!

My grandparents used to cast out demons from family friends, and I experienced at age 8 them casting out a demon from this young 14 year-old girl who was into witchcraft. They blessed some water in a cup and tried to give it to the young girl for her to drink, and she totally flipped-out lamenting in multiple audible deep and high-pitched cries that sounded like growls and snivels. They eventually casted out the demon(s), and she looked like a totally different person. They put her witchcraft books and material in the closet that night, and around the early hours of that morning, I could hear banging coming from that closet that persisted for a good 30 minutes every night that the material was in the closet. My grandparents decided to burn the witchcraft materials, and the banging had never since started again. It totally traumatized me knowing how real the paranormal can grip someone. Ever since then, I have been very fascinated about knowing more about the mysteries of the paranormal. Creepy shit!